
Ylia Macazo

Ylia is an AB Communication major who can write much better than she can talk. Not to be confused with the Ylia who is in love with a Fender guitar that doesn't love her back, or the Ylia who plays beat-em-up video games in her free time; they're all the same person.

Written Articles

Theater & Arts

Grasping at memory: a campus story told by the installations at the Areté Amphitheater

INSTALLATION ART has always been difficult to pin down. This is, in part, due to its ephemeral nature—its impermanence. The medium hinges on the experience of a viewer within a particular time and space, often creating unique circumstances that only belonged to those who came. In 2o19, the Areté Amphitheater was transformed into a site […]

By Ylia Macazo and Ryan Reyes

May 16, 2022

By Ylia Macazo and Ryan Reyes • May 16, 2022


Vantage POINT: March -April 2022

This is Vantage POINT: A monthly moodboard for things that have been on our minds as of late, topics both fresh and familiar. We point you towards what to watch out for and what we think you should be enjoying right now. And if whatever we love becomes whatever you love (at least a little […]

By Ylia Macazo, Jewel Ruther Miraña and Ryan Reyes

March 26, 2022

By Ylia Macazo, Jewel Ruther Miraña and Ryan Reyes • March 26, 2022


Games for every stage of your relationship

Playing mind games is a red flag that you should look out for in your relationships, no matter what stage you’re in with a prospect or partner. For the upcoming season of love and hearts though, we’ve turned the terminology “mind games” on its head into something constructive! Here are a few online games you […]

By Ylia Macazo

February 11, 2022

By Ylia Macazo • February 11, 2022


Describe your life as a video game, and we’ll tell you which video game main character you would be

We know that daily self-preservation practices are not half as exciting as going on a jungle escapade in a completely different body. Fortunately, we can make reality just as much of a treat as the 3D world’s thrill for the holidays! Learn which video game character you’d mostly be like through our quiz. This is […]

By Ylia Macazo

January 7, 2022

By Ylia Macazo • January 7, 2022