Issa Baraquel: Little Miss Sunshine
July 20, 2015

2 AB Communication

Incoming communication sophomore Issa Baraquel is a girl of many interests, foremost of which is connecting with people. With dreams of joining the ad and public relations industry someday, Issa has a knack for connecting with others - a talent she figures will serve her well as an OrSem host. “I feel like a big part of hosting relies on your ability to communicate with people well,” she elaborates, “and to, you know, project.” Like Anton, Issa isn’t that far removed from her freshman experience, and she credits her first year with helping her grow as a person. “There are really so many opportunities,” she says, “Some you don’t even know about until they find you or you seek them out.” True to her people-loving persona, Issa notes that the most important thing about college is building good bridges with the people you meet here. “These people are going to be with you for the next four years,” she says, “might as well nurture and maintain the best possible relationships with them, because they’re going to change your life.”

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