BUILT review
October 14, 2018

There are many ways to interpret the burger, and over the years, JSEC has had plenty of interesting concepts that put a spin on the classic. Instead of adding another twist, BUILT wanted to bring the burger down to its rootsto serve it with no frills or fuss, for the quintessential burger experience.


BUILT builds their burger around a hefty patty of properly seasoned beef that is cooked just right. Its juiciness gives their burgers that irresistible unctuous mouthfeel. Combined with their soft and sweet buns, each serving has that definitive bite that you look for in a good burger.

The Big Brother is the burger at its most basic. Fresh lettuce and tomato add a different juiciness that acts as a perfect foil for the meatiness of the patty. The cheese sauce is creamy, but it doesn’t overwhelm the burger with the saltiness that usually comes with cheese. Each topping plays a part in this wonderfully simple burger.

On the other hand, the Bacon Brother is the Big Brother’s smoky, sweet, and savory counterpart. Its bacon and caramelized onions provide an addictive sweet and salty contrast that is expected from a classic burger. BUILT’s cheese sauce also coats the patty, but it doesn’t overpower the burger’s flavors. The onions, however, could do with a little more cooking to lessen the bite, but that does not retract from the experience of this well-balanced meal. BUILT’s side of onion rings are also to die for, with the breaded onions perfectly cooked to a crisp golden brown. Sweet, salty and crunchy intertwine to make a delightful little bite.


Presenting the burger in its purest form is a daunting task, but this stall delivers well, even with its minimalist branding. The stall’s simple design and its use of New York City’s iconic imagery mirrors the easy and unmistakable American burger that BUILT specializes in.

Value for money

Each burger served with a side is a good portion and is worth that Php 120 spend. The flavors of the burger and the freshness of its ingredients prove that you get the most of what you pay for in BUILT.

Final Verdict

BUILT doesn’t complicate anything. Well-executed burgers, no matter how simple, are absolutely delicious. This stall has no smoke and mirrors to hide behind, and it doesn’t need it, because BUILT’s food is exquisite.

Rating: 5/5

Editor’s note: This JSEC stall is co-owned by Joshua Tan, a member of The GUIDON's Photos staff.

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